Tales of Longfall 6 Shadows (englisch)

Tales of Longfall 6 Shadows (englisch)
Freebooter Miniatures

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Tales of Longfall 6 Shadows (englisch) von Freebooter Miniatures

Tales of Longfall 6 Shadows (englisch)

Bitte beachte, dass es sich um ein englischsprachiges Produkt handelt

Imagine a billowing mass of darkness. Seemingly unstoppable, it surges towards you and threatens to engulf everything!

The new team has arrived - the shadows have descended upon Longfall! They emerge from several gates to explore the city in secret and sow an ara of mistrust.

Imagine a billowing mass of darkness. Seemingly unstoppable, it surges towards you and threatens to engulf everything! The streets of Longfall are shrouded in a dark, impenetrable fog and the entire city threatens to sink into chaos. And all because power-mad Brotherhood members and curious Amazons have opened two ancient doors a little wider than is good. Doors to another world. A dark, formless, thoroughly evil world. Through this rift they emerge again and the heroic efforts of a centuries-old secret society have been thwarted, for the shadows are back! And they are not nice. Suddenly the darkness on Leonera has become even more dangerous...

The shadows are still very weak and can't withstand much. However, most of them have two new properties that allow them to annoy their opponents for a very, very long time:

Shadow characters go up in smoke! The shadow characters are not initially eliminated, but instead turn into shadows. These are weak and cannot attack themselves - but they can support! As the game progresses, two shadows, for example, can merge together and transform back into a complete shadow character from the retinue.

The shadow power This is a pool of shadow points that is available at the start of the game and is replenished by certain events, such as the elimination of an opponent. Shadow power can be used to improve the actions and characteristics of a shadow character or even "create" them in the first place. To do this, an increase with shadow power - similar to an event card - is paid directly before a part of an action. An example would be a pistol that is immediately loaded with Shadow Power, fires and also increases its range and then, after a hit, can also increase its RANGE.

In "Tales of Longfall ##6: Shadows" you will find all the rules, new special rules and traits, a sinister bunch of new shadow characters and a first "shadow scenario" to get you started right away.

Artikel-Nr.: 128096
EAN: 4260606230409
Hersteller Artikelnummer: FF 041
Nicht geeignet für Kinder unter 12 Jahren.
Hersteller: Freebooter Miniatures
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