SOVIETS IN BERLIN Bilingual English-Spanish

SOVIETS IN BERLIN Bilingual English-Spanish

Sofort lieferbar, Lieferzeit ca. 1-2 Werktage

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SOVIETS IN BERLIN Bilingual English-Spanish von AK-Interactive

Bitte beachten, dass es sich um ein Produkt in englischer Sprache handelt.

This modeling book contains dioramas and vehicles exquisitely crafted to tell the story of the fall of Berlin. A multitude of references and stories behind the works inspire each of the authors to tell a story with each piece. Not only is the planning, painting and construction process explained step by step, but also the keys to obtaining an excellent level of aging with different effects: mud, splashes, drips, chipping, dust, dirt, etc. In January 1945 the Krásnaya Ármiya or Red Army, after three and a half years of fierce fighting without quarter, launched a series of strategic operations that took it to the heart of the Third Reich. Its inexorable advance towards Berlin culminated in April 1945. There he fought his last great battle on the European continent, winning a crushing victory over the German forces. The massive use of artillery and armor in ground operations was one of the keys to this triumph.

Artikel-Nr.: 127269
EAN: 8435568339118
Hersteller Artikelnummer: AK130013
Nicht geeignet für Kinder unter 12 Jahren.
Hersteller: AK-Interactive
Herstellerkontakt: AK-Interactive

AK Interactive S.L | Polígono La Portalada, Calle Valsalado 6 | Logroño, La Rioja | ES |

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