Book O'Crews 2 (englisch)

Book O'Crews 2 (englisch)
Freebooter Miniatures

Sofort lieferbar, Lieferzeit ca. 1-2 Werktage

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Book O'Crews 2 von Freebooter Miniatures

Book O'Crews 2

Bitte beachte, dass es sich um ein englischsprachiges Produkt handelt

This is the second crew book for Freebooter's Fate. Filled to the brim with many new characters and their stories. A collection of the new rules and the scenario "The Alliance - all against the Shadows" round off the whole thing. The scenario can also be played as a single player scenario.

Softcover A4 with 64 pages, English version.

"FF 045 The Teams 2" is not a stand-alone game, but an expansion to Freebooter's Fate.

In addition to the figures, the FF 023 Freebooter's Fate Basic Rulebook ##2 and a set of FF 025 Playing Cards ##2 are required to use the contents.

Artikel-Nr.: 128098
EAN: 4260606230454
Hersteller Artikelnummer: FF 046
Nicht geeignet für Kinder unter 12 Jahren.
Hersteller: Freebooter Miniatures
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