AK Learning Wargame Series 3 : LANDSHIP TECHNIQUES

AK Learning Wargame Series 3 : LANDSHIP TECHNIQUES

Sofort lieferbar, Lieferzeit ca. 1-2 Werktage

  • Schneller Versand von Lagerware innerhalb von 1-2 Werktagen.
  • Kostenlose Lieferung innerhalb Deutschlands ab 200 €

AK Learning Wargame Series 3 : LANDSHIP TECHNIQUES von AK-Interactive

Bitte beachten, dass es sich um ein Produkt in englischer Sprache handelt.

The third installment of the Learning Wargames series is dedicated to land vehicles and ships. This collection is made up of several volumes for wargame enthusiasts, whether they are looking to make the leap to the tabletop profile, improve their painting or make showpieces. Each book focuses on a specific theme and provides the reader with a wide range of knowl- edge and techniques to help hone their skills.

Artikel-Nr.: 127270
EAN: 8435568335189
Hersteller Artikelnummer: AK594
Nicht geeignet für Kinder unter 12 Jahren.
Hersteller: AK-Interactive
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